You can easily add custom data to WooCommerce Products using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin and then display the data on the Shop Page using the woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title hook!
Custom WooCommerce Hooks in the Astra Theme
The Astra theme has its own custom WooCommerce hooks. Here’s how to use them!
Augmented Assignment Operators
Using the Augmented Assignment Operator to do a calculation on a variable and assign it back to itself, but more elegantly! More Productive Programming.
Creating Custom Settings Tab on WooCommerce Settings Page – Product Addon by Category
Here’s how to create a custom WooCommerce Settings Tab and save the data to the database. We’ll use it to create a product add on by category.
Using Foxy to take Ad Hoc Payments on Webflow
If you want to take ad hoc payments from your Webflow site without setting up a full on eCommerce store, you can do it with Foxy hosted cart and payment page.
Wiring a Google App Script up to a WooCommerce Webhook – Part 2
Now that we have a spreadsheet that is receiving incoming data, we can hook it up to one of WooCommerce’s built in web hooks. In this case we’ll use the Order Updated hook because that’s useful info you might want
Get Data into a Google Sheet using a Web App
This post is the first in a series about getting data into a Google Sheet using a custom built WooCommerce webhook. Along the way, we’ll learn some smaller, really useful topics: The overall goal is to create a webhook that
Google App Script – Dynamically Set Spreadsheet Header Record
More productive programming – setting header records on a spreadsheet dynamically with Google Apps Script
Build a Gutenberg Related Posts Block with ACF Pro
How to build a custom Gutenberg related posts block using ACF Pro with just HTML and PHP! Things we already know as Wordpress Devs!
Getting Sample Order Data into WooCommerce
Lately I’ve been working on using Google Sheets to create dashboards for WooCommerce Order data. I want to write about it here, but since I can’t show you the sensitive customer data that is in my client’s site, I need